Promoting Renewable Energy in Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities

In recent years, renewable energy has gained significant attention as a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuels. Bangladesh, a densely populated country facing an energy crisis, has recognized the importance of promoting renewable energy sources. This essay explores the challenges and opportunities associated with promoting renewable energy in Bangladesh.

Current Status of Renewable Energy in Bangladesh

According to the Bangladesh Economic Review 2023 report, the country’s total installed capacity is 26,700 MW, including captive and renewable energy [1]. The government aims to increase the installed capacity to 40,000 MW by 2030 and 60,000 MW by 2041 [1]. The government has also taken steps to promote renewable and clean energy alongside fossil fuels, with the establishment of the Sustainable and Renewable Energy Development Authority (SREDA) in 2014 [1].

Challenges in Promoting Renewable Energy

  1. Land Availability: Bangladesh’s high population density makes it challenging to find suitable land for large-scale renewable energy projects, especially solar and wind farms [1].
  2. Grid Integration: The power grid in Bangladesh suffers from frequent power outages and limited transmission and distribution capacity, making it difficult to integrate renewable energy sources effectively [1].
  3. Technical Capacity: There is a shortage of trained and qualified personnel in the renewable energy sector, including engineers, technicians, and managers, hindering the development and maintenance of renewable energy systems [1].
  4. Public Awareness and Acceptance: Many people in Bangladesh are unaware of the benefits and potential of renewable energy, leading to reluctance in adopting it. Social and cultural barriers, as well as misconceptions about reliability and safety, further hinder public acceptance [1].

Opportunities for Renewable Energy Development

  1. Solar Potential: Bangladesh has abundant solar potential, with an average solar radiation of 4-6.5 kWh/m2/day. The government has introduced net metering and feed-in tariff schemes to encourage rooftop solar installations [1].
  2. Wind Power: Bangladesh’s coastal belt offers opportunities for wind power generation, especially offshore. The government has plans to install 597 MW of wind power capacity by 2030 [1].
  3. Biomass and Biogas: Bangladesh’s large agricultural sector produces significant biomass and biogas resources, which can be utilized for cooking, heating, and power generation. The government has plans to install 226 MW of biomass and biogas power capacity by 2030 [1].

Recommendations for Promoting Renewable Energy

To overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities of renewable energy development in Bangladesh, the following recommendations can be made:

  1. Land Allocation: The government should allocate more land for renewable energy projects and simplify the land acquisition process. Utilizing marginal or degraded lands can also be considered [1].
  2. Grid Upgrades: The government should upgrade and expand the power grid, invest in innovative grid technologies, and establish a renewable energy management center to ensure efficient integration of renewable energy [1].
  3. Capacity Building: Collaboration with education and training institutions and the private sector can enhance technical capacity and human resource development in the renewable energy sector. Support for research and development activities is also crucial [1].
  4. Incentives and Policy Framework: The government should provide incentives and subsidies for renewable energy projects, reduce tariffs and taxes on renewable energy equipment and services, and enforce renewable energy purchase obligations [1].
  5. Policy and Regulatory Framework: Strengthening the policy and regulatory framework for renewable energy development, revising and updating renewable energy policies, and establishing a dedicated renewable energy agency can facilitate progress [1].
  6. Collaboration and Awareness: Foster collaboration among various stakeholders, leverage support from development partners, and increase public awareness through awareness campaigns and outreach programs [1].


Bangladesh faces both challenges and opportunities in promoting renewable energy. By addressing land availability, grid integration, technical capacity, public awareness, and acceptance, and leveraging solar, wind, and biomass potential, Bangladesh can make significant progress in its renewable energy journey. With the implementation of recommended strategies, Bangladesh can achieve a more sustainable and eco-friendly energy landscape.

Learn more:

  1. Bangladesh’s Renewable Energy Odyssey: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Path Forward
  2. Prospects and challenges of renewable energy in Bangladesh
  3. Unlocking Bangladesh’s renewable energy potential | Daily Star

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