The Evolution of Digital Banking in Bangladesh

Digital banking has rapidly evolved in Bangladesh over the years, transforming the country’s financial sector and providing convenience and accessibility to customers. This essay explores the evolution of digital banking in Bangladesh, highlighting key milestones and trends.

Early Adoption and Initiatives [1]

The journey of digital banking in Bangladesh began in the early 2000s when Standard Chartered Bangladesh introduced online banking. Since then, the banking industry in Bangladesh has embraced digitalization and taken various initiatives to encourage customers to adopt digital banking services.

Rise of Digital Banking in Bangladesh [2]

Bangladesh is surging ahead in embracing digital banking at an astounding pace. The country aims for 75% of local transactions to go digital by 2027, as part of its vision of a “Smart Bangladesh” by 2041. Recently, Nagad Digital Bank and Kori Digital have joined as newly licensed digital banks, marking a new beginning for digital banking in the country.

What is Digital Banking?

Digital banking refers to the use of digital technology and online channels to provide a wide range of financial services to customers. It operates in a branchless and virtual environment, enhancing accessibility, convenience, and efficiency for users. Digital banking eliminates the need for physical branches and allows transactions and interactions through electronic means. It incorporates advanced security measures to ensure the safety of customer information and prevent unauthorized access.

Evolution of Digital Transformation in Banking [2]

The digital transformation in banking has been an ongoing journey in Bangladesh, driven by advancements in technology and changing customer expectations. Here is a timeline highlighting key developments:

1960s – 1980s: Early Automation

  • Banks began automating their processes with electronic data processing systems.
  • Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) were introduced, allowing customers to perform basic transactions outside of bank branches.

1990s: Online Banking

  • Banks launched online banking services, enabling customers to check balances, transfer funds, and pay bills over the Internet.
  • Secure socket layer (SSL) encryption made online banking safer.

2000s: Mobile Banking and SMS Alerts

  • Mobile banking services were introduced with the proliferation of mobile phones.
  • SMS alerts were used to notify customers about account activity and transactions.
  • Online payment gateways like PayPal gained popularity.

2010s: Fintech Disruption

  • Fintech startups challenged traditional banks to offer innovative solutions for payments, lending, and personal finance management.
  • Mobile banking apps evolved, providing features like mobile check deposits, P2P payments, and budget tracking.
  • Regulatory changes, like PSD2 in Europe, encouraged open banking and data sharing between banks and third-party providers.

The mid-2010s: Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

  • Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin created new avenues for financial transactions, particularly in cross-border payments and remittances.
  • Central banks explored the potential for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) as digital counterparts to physical currency.

Late 2010s – Early 2020s: AI and Automation

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning were integrated into banking systems for customer service, fraud detection, and risk assessment.
  • Robo-advisors gained traction, offering automated investment advice.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants became common in customer support.

Present and Beyond: Omnichannel Banking and Personalization

  • Banks are moving towards providing a seamless omnichannel experience, allowing customers to transition between online, mobile, and physical channels seamlessly.
  • Chatbots are used to provide a consistent experience across different channels, ensuring customers receive uniform information and assistance.
  • Personalization is a key focus, with banks using data analytics to offer tailored financial products and services.
  • Enhanced cybersecurity measures, including biometrics and multi-factor authentication, are being adopted to protect digital assets.
  • Quantum computing and 5G technology may further revolutionize the banking industry by enabling faster data processing and more secure transactions.
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain-based financial services could become more mainstream, potentially reshaping the industry’s infrastructure.

Types of Digital Banking Channels [2]

Digital banking in Bangladesh encompasses various channels that provide a wide range of financial services to customers. Some of the key channels include:

  1. Mobile Banking: Accessing bank accounts and conducting financial transactions using a mobile device through a dedicated banking app or mobile web browser.
  2. Internet Banking: Accessing bank accounts and performing transactions through a web portal using a desktop or laptop computer.
  3. Chatbot Banking: Enabling meaningful interactions between customers and banks through natural language conversations, simplifying financial tasks and offering personalized assistance.
  4. Online Payment Gateways: Digital platforms facilitating secure online transactions, commonly used for e-commerce.
  5. Digital Wallets: Mobile apps or online platforms allowing users to store and manage payment information for quick and secure transactions.
  6. Online Bill Payments: Services that enable users to send money electronically, including peer-to-peer (P2P) payment platforms, wire transfers, and interbank transfers.
  7. Online Investment# The Evolution of Digital Banking in Bangladesh

Digital banking has undergone significant evolution in Bangladesh over the years, transforming the country’s financial sector and providing greater convenience and accessibility to customers. This essay explores the journey of digital banking in Bangladesh, highlighting key milestones and trends that have shaped its evolution.

Early Adoption and Integration [1]

The advent of online banking in Bangladesh can be traced back to the early 2000s when Standard Chartered Bangladesh introduced the concept. Since then, digital banking has rapidly integrated into the banking industry, with various initiatives taken by banks to encourage customers to adopt digital channels.

Rise of Digital Banking in Bangladesh [2]

Bangladesh has emerged as a frontrunner in embracing digital banking, aiming for a “Smart Bangladesh” by 2041. The country envisions that 75% of local transactions will be conducted digitally by 2027. To support this vision, new licensed digital banks, such as Nagad Digital Bank and Kori Digital, have recently entered the market.

Evolution of Digital Banking Channels [2]

Digital banking in Bangladesh encompasses a wide range of channels and services that provide customers with convenient and efficient financial solutions. Some of the key digital banking channels in Bangladesh include:

  1. Mobile Banking: Customers can access their bank accounts and conduct financial transactions using mobile devices through dedicated banking apps or mobile web browsers.
  2. Internet Banking: Customers can manage their accounts, pay bills, and transfer funds through web portals using desktop or laptop computers.
  3. Chatbot Banking: Artificial intelligence-powered chatbots enable customers to interact with their banks through natural language conversations, providing 24/7 assistance for inquiries, transactions, and personalized financial advice.
  4. Online Payment Gateways: Digital platforms facilitate secure online transactions, commonly used for e-commerce and electronic payments.
  5. Digital Wallets: Mobile apps or online platforms that allow users to store and manage their payment information, enabling quick and secure payments for various transactions.
  6. Online Bill Payments: Services that allow users to send money electronically to individuals or businesses, including peer-to-peer (P2P) payment platforms, wire transfers, and interbank transfers.
  7. Online Investment Services: Platforms that enable individuals to invest in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial instruments online, often providing investment advice and portfolio management services.
  8. QR Code Payments: Initiating payments by scanning Quick Response (QR) codes with mobile devices, commonly used for in-store and person-to-person (P2P) transactions.

Key Developments in Digital Transformation [2]

The digital transformation of banking in Bangladesh has been a continuous journey, marked by significant developments over time. Here are some key milestones:

  • 1960s-1980s: Banks began automating their processes with electronic data processing systems, and Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) were introduced.
  • 1990s: Online banking services were launched, allowing customers to check balances, transfer funds, and pay bills over the Internet.
  • 2000s: Mobile banking services emerged with the proliferation of mobile phones, and online payment gateways gained popularity.
  • 2010s: Fintech startups disrupted the industry, leading to the evolution of mobile banking apps and regulatory changes encouraging open banking and data sharing.
  • Mid-2010s: The emergence of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies opened new avenues for financial transactions, and central banks explored the potential for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
  • Late 2010s-Early 2020s: Artificial intelligence and automation were integrated into banking systems, robo-advisors gained traction, and chatbots became common in customer support.
  • Present and Beyond: Banks are moving towards providing a seamless omnichannel experience, focusing on personalization, enhanced cybersecurity measures, and exploring the potential of quantum computing and 5G technology. Decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain-based financial services could reshape the industry’s infrastructure.


The evolution of digital banking in Bangladesh has transformed the country’s financial sector, providing customers with greater convenience, accessibility, and innovative financial solutions. As technology continues to advance and customer expectations evolve, digital banking in Bangladesh is poised to further revolutionize the industry, offering increasingly convenient and secure financial services.

Learn more:

  1. Evolution of Digitalization in Bangladesh’s Financial Sector
  2. Digital Banking in Bangladesh: Rise, Transformation, Trends & Benefits
  3. Digital Banking in Bangladesh Is Ready to Take Off

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