Female Empowerment in Bangladesh

Female empowerment has made significant progress in Bangladesh in recent years, leading to notable changes in various aspects of society. Women in Bangladesh have become key contributors to the nation’s development, with improved access to healthcare, education, and the workforce, as well as increased economic participation [2].


Education plays a crucial role in empowering women by providing them with knowledge, skills, and confidence to participate fully in society. Bangladesh has made remarkable strides in advancing girls’ education, with the gender parity index in primary and secondary education almost reaching parity. Government initiatives, such as stipends for girls’ education, the establishment of schools in rural areas, and the elimination of gender-based discrimination in educational institutions, have contributed to this achievement [2].

Health and Well-being

The overall empowerment of women depends on the improvement of their health and well-being. Bangladesh has made significant progress in lowering rates of maternal and infant mortality, expanding access to healthcare, and promoting family planning. The government has prioritized reproductive health services, including antenatal care, skilled birth attendants, and postpartum care, resulting in significant advancements in maternal and child health indicators [2].

Economic Participation and Financial Security

To empower women, it is essential to increase their economic participation and financial security. Bangladesh has witnessed a rise in women’s entrepreneurship, supported by government initiatives such as microfinance programs and skill development training. These initiatives have enabled women to start their own businesses, secure stable employment, and contribute to the national economy. Successful examples include women like Fahmida Akhter, who used microfinance initiatives to launch a handicraft company, providing job opportunities for other women in her community [2].

Political Empowerment

Political empowerment of women is crucial for ensuring their representation and influence in decision-making processes. Bangladesh has made significant strides in increasing women’s political participation through measures such as reserved seats for women in local government institutions. This has resulted in a greater presence of women in political leadership roles and the formulation of more gender-sensitive policies. Notably, Sheikh Hasina, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, has played a key role in shaping the country’s policies and promoting women’s empowerment [2].

Addressing Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination

Addressing issues of gender-based violence, discrimination, and social norms that impede women’s advancement is crucial for their full empowerment. Bangladesh has taken significant measures to combat violence against women, including the establishment of helplines, shelters, and legal reforms. Awareness campaigns and educational initiatives have challenged societal norms and promoted gender equality. Organizations like the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF), founded by Jahanara Imam, have provided support, rehabilitation, and legal assistance to victims of acid attacks, increasing public awareness of the devastating effects of such violence [2].


Bangladesh has implemented comprehensive policies, initiatives, and programs to empower women, resulting in remarkable progress in various fields. Despite existing challenges, the ongoing emphasis on women’s empowerment promises a more inclusive and prosperous future for all [2].

Learn more:

  1. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment | Bangladesh
  2. Empowering women in Bangladesh: A journey of progress and empowerment | The Business Standard
  3. Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment | Bangladesh | Archive – U.S. Agency for International Development

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