Green Bond Market Development in Bangladesh

Green bonds have gained significant attention globally as a financial instrument to support sustainable development and combat climate change. In Bangladesh, efforts are being made to promote the domestic green bond market to mobilize capital for climate-related initiatives and achieve the country’s sustainable development goals. This essay explores the determinants and potential of the green bond market in Bangladesh based on the available information.

  1. Importance of Green Bonds in Bangladesh:
  • Green bonds can provide a new source of financing for green energy projects, sustainable infrastructure, and climate change mitigation efforts [1].
  • They can attract international and institutional environmentally-aware investors, expanding the investor base for sustainable projects in Bangladesh [2].
  • Green bonds align with the country’s commitment to the Paris Agreement and its nationally determined contributions (NDCs) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [2].
  • Bangladesh has significant climate-smart investment potential, estimated at approximately $172 billion between 2018 and 2030, mainly in green buildings, transportation infrastructure, renewable energy, and waste management [2].
  1. Initiatives to Develop the Green Bond Market:
  • The International Finance Corporation (IFC), in partnership with Bangladesh Bank, has conducted a joint study to assess the potential for a domestic green bond market in Bangladesh [2].
  • The study highlights the need for enabling actions from government agencies and regulatory authorities to develop the green financial sector and align it with the country’s NDCs and broader development strategies [2].
  • Bangladesh Bank and the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission can play a catalyzing role by developing national guidelines and standards for green bonds, defining eligible green project activities and use of proceeds [2].
  • United Commercial Bank PLC, recognized for its sustainability efforts, has expressed its commitment to introducing green bonds as a source of sustainable finance [3].
  1. Benefits and Challenges:
  • Green bonds can attract long-term capital for sustainable projects, contributing to the country’s economic growth and environmental sustainability [2].
  • They can enhance the reputation of issuers by demonstrating their commitment to environmental and social responsibility [3].
  • Green bonds can help diversify the investor base and attract environmentally-conscious investors [2].


  • The fixed income market in Bangladesh is relatively small and underdeveloped, posing challenges for both investors and issuers [2].
  • Lack of awareness and understanding of green bonds among market participants may hinder market development [3].
  • Developing robust frameworks and standards for green bond issuance and monitoring the use of proceeds is crucial to maintain investor confidence [2].


  1. Exploring the determinants of green bond market …
  2. IFC supports Bangladesh Bank to promote domestic green bond market
  3. “Working diligently to introduce green bonds” | Sustainability Rating 2022 | The Daily Star

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